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Common CLI

I use chezmoi to manage my dotfiles and installation scripts across computers, OS's, and shells. Its installation instructions can be found in my dotfiles repository's README.



I created aliases for my most frequently used commands, and tried to keep them consistent across operating systems.

My Git aliases are from Oh My Zsh's git plugin. On Windows, they are provided by the powershell-git-aliases plugin.

Configuration files:


Various helper functions are used in my shell configuration and aliases files.

Configuration files:



Fzf is an interactive filer for command line that can be used for any list. I mainly use it to search through my command history, replacing Ctrl+R.

Configuration files:


See Contributing to a Git Repository and Git Commands for my notes on Git.

Configuration file: .gitconfig.


GitHub CLI brings GitHub functionality such as pull requests and issues to your terminal, but I only use it to login to GitHub.


Delta is a syntax-highting pager for git, diff, and grep output. It makes git diff so much easier to understand.


Starship is a minimal, blazing-fast, and customizable prompt for any shell. Since it is compatible with all major operating systems, I can use the same configuration file across operating systems to achieve a consistent aesthetic.

Configuration file: .config/starship.toml.

Last update: October 2, 2022