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The Docs were created using Material for MkDocs, a Markdown static site generator with a material design theme.

Running Docs Locally

  1. Create and use the dev development environment
  2. Run the development server: mkdocs serve

Building for Offline Usage

To build for offline usage, uncomment the offline plugin in mkdocs.yml before running mkdocs build. For what this does, refer to the related Material for Mkdocs docs page.


Automatic Documentation from Sources

mkdocstrings was used to create the Code Reference section of the Docs.

incompatible theme.features

mkdocstrings is not compatible with theme.features.navigation.indexes.


The Docs site has the following versions:

  • Version from branches
    • main: aliased to latest
      • Whenever you are on a version other than latest, a warning will be displayed above the header
    • pr-<pr number>:
      • Created when a pull request is opened
      • Updated when the pull request commits are modified
      • Deleted when the pull request is closed
  • Version from releases: <x.x>

Last update: March 19, 2023