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This repository's infrastructure features pinned dependency management, a documentation site, an automated release process, GitHub integration, VS Code integration, and much more.

Setup for Local Development

  1. Install tox
  2. Clone the repository


tox is used to automate and standardize testing across local development environments and CI/CD pipelines.

Tox Configuration

The tox configuration for this repository can be found in tox.ini.

Tox Environments

Each tox environment accomplishes a specific purpose. List all tox environments and their descriptions with tox list.

Details about each environment are given below:

  • py*: for a particular python version, it
    1. checks if the package can be built (may be commented out),
    2. runs the linters,
    3. runs the test suite, and
    4. generates a coverage report source file .coverage
  • check-release: checks that the package is ready to be released
  • coverage: converts .coverage to human readable formats
    • html: used to create the Coverage Report page
    • json: used to create the coverage badge in the README
  • dev: used to create a development environment with all dependencies installed
    • When in the development environment, the commands that are run in each environment can be run in your terminal
  • docs-build: builds the docs to ensure that they are in a valid state
  • docs-serve: runs the docs development server
  • format: runs the formatters
  • update: updates the dependencies without upgrading
  • upgrade: updates the dependencies

Running Tox Environments

  • tox -e <environment> will run a single environment
  • tox will run all the default environments as noted by tox list
    • To set an environment as default, add it to envlist in tox.ini

Known issues running tox environments:

Environment Issue Solution
coverage coverage combine outputs "No data to combine" coverage cannot be run independently, as it needs .coverage from testenv: run tox instead. If you are still getting this error, remove .coverage and rerun.

Tox Development Environments

The tox devenv command will create a virtual environment and install the environment's dependencies in it.


Dependencies are defined in pyproject.toml. They are pinned and managed using pip-tools. The pinned dependencies can be found in requirements/.

How to Add or Update Dependencies

  1. To add a dependency, add it in pyproject.toml; where you add the dependency depends on what type of dependency it is:
    • Add project dependencies to the dependencies list
    • Add environment-specific dependencies to the corresponding list below [project.optional-dependencies]
  2. Run the update tox environment: tox -e update
    • If you want to upgrade dependencies as well, run this instead: tox -e upgrade
  3. Verify that the tests still pass: tox
  4. If you are using the development environment, recreate it: tox devenv -e dev .venv
  5. Commit and push the changes