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1"""xlbudget file reading and writing."""
3import calendar
4from logging import getLogger
5from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple
7import pandas as pd
8from openpyxl import Workbook
9from openpyxl.chart import BarChart, Reference
10from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Font
11from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
12from openpyxl.utils.cell import column_index_from_string, coordinate_from_string
13from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table, TableStyleInfo
14from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
16logger = getLogger(__name__)
18FORMAT_ACCOUNTING = '_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)'
20FORMAT_NUMBER = '_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)'
22MONTH_NAME_0_IND = calendar.month_name[1:]
27class ColumnSpecs(NamedTuple):
28 name: str
29 format: str
30 width: int
34 ColumnSpecs(name="Date", format=FORMAT_DATE, width=12),
35 ColumnSpecs(name="Description", format="", width=20),
36 ColumnSpecs(name="Amount", format=FORMAT_ACCOUNTING, width=12),
39 ColumnSpecs(name="Month", format="", width=12),
40 ColumnSpecs(name="Incomes", format=FORMAT_ACCOUNTING, width=12),
41 ColumnSpecs(name="Expenses", format=FORMAT_ACCOUNTING, width=12),
42 ColumnSpecs(name="Net", format=FORMAT_ACCOUNTING, width=12),
46class TablePosition:
47 """The state and bounds of a worksheet table.
48 Read-only fields were implemented with properties that return mangled variables.
49 """
51 def __init__(self, ref: str) -> None:
52 # excel ref format: "<top left cell coordinate>:<bottom right cell coordinate>"
53 start, end = ref.split(":")
55 self.__first_col, self.__header_row = coordinate_from_string(start)
56 self.next_row = self.__header_row + 1
57 self.__first_col_ind = column_index_from_string(self.__first_col)
59 self.__last_col, self.__initial_last_row = coordinate_from_string(end)
61 @property
62 def header_row(self) -> int:
63 return self.__header_row
65 @property
66 def first_col(self) -> int:
67 return self.__first_col_ind
69 @property
70 def initial_last_row(self) -> int:
71 return self.__initial_last_row
73 def __repr__(self) -> str:
74 return (
75 f"{self.__class__.__name__}(next_row={self.next_row}, "
76 f"first_col={self.first_col}, initial_last_row={self.initial_last_row}, "
77 f"header_row={self.header_row})"
78 )
80 def get_ref(self) -> str:
81 # Excel tables must have at least 2 rows: 1 header and 1+ data. `last_row` is
82 # implemented as follows so that `next_row` can be incremented consistently.
83 last_row = (
84 self.next_row - 1
85 if self.next_row - 1 >= self.header_row + 1
86 else self.header_row + 1
87 )
88 return f"{self.__first_col}{self.header_row}:{self.__last_col}{last_row}"
91def create_year_sheet(wb: Workbook, year: int) -> None:
92 """Creates a year sheet, with a table for each month.
94 Args:
95 wb (openpyxl.workbook.workbook.Workbook): The workbook to create the sheet in.
96 year (int): The year.
98 Raises:
99 ValueError: If year sheet `year` already exists in the workbook `wb`.
100 """
101 index = 0
102 year_str = str(year)
103 if year_str in wb.sheetnames:
104 raise ValueError(f"Year sheet {year_str} already exists")
106 logger.debug(f"Creating sheet {year_str} at {index=}")
107 ws = wb.create_sheet(year_str, index)
108 num_tables = len(MONTH_NAME_0_IND)
110 for c_start in range(
112 (len(MONTH_COLUMNS) + 1) * num_tables + MONTH_TABLES_COL,
113 len(MONTH_COLUMNS) + 1,
114 ):
115 month_ind = (c_start - MONTH_TABLES_COL) // (len(MONTH_COLUMNS) + 1)
116 month = MONTH_NAME_0_IND[month_ind]
117 table_name = _get_month_table_name(month, year_str)
118 logger.debug(f"creating {table_name} table")
120 _add_table(
121 ws, table_name, c_start, r_start=MONTH_TABLES_ROW, columns=MONTH_COLUMNS
122 )
124 logger.debug("Creating summary table")
125 summ_table_name = _get_summary_table_name(year_str)
126 _add_table(ws, summ_table_name, c_start=1, r_start=1, columns=SUMMARY_COLUMNS)
127 summ_tab = ws.tables[summ_table_name]
128 summ_tab_pos = TablePosition(ref=summ_tab.ref)
130 for month in MONTH_NAME_0_IND:
131 month_table_name = _get_month_table_name(month, year_str)
132 table_range = f"{month_table_name}[{MONTH_COLUMNS[-1].name}]"
134 # set month cell
135 ws.cell(row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col).value = month
137 # set incomes cell
138 incomes_cell = ws.cell(
139 row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col + 1
140 )
141 incomes_cell.value = f'=SUMIFS({table_range}, {table_range}, ">0")'
142 incomes_cell.number_format = SUMMARY_COLUMNS[1].format
144 # set expenses cell
145 expenses_cell = ws.cell(
146 row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col + 2
147 )
148 expenses_cell.value = f'=-SUMIFS({table_range}, {table_range}, "<=0")'
149 expenses_cell.number_format = SUMMARY_COLUMNS[2].format
151 # set net cell
152 net_cell = ws.cell(row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col + 3)
153 net_cell.value = f"={incomes_cell.coordinate}-{expenses_cell.coordinate}"
154 net_cell.number_format = SUMMARY_COLUMNS[3].format
156 summ_tab_pos.next_row += 1
158 summ_tab.ref = summ_tab_pos.get_ref()
160 # compute totals
161 # set month cell
162 ws.cell(row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col).value = "Total"
164 # set other cells and create charts
165 for i in range(1, len(SUMMARY_COLUMNS)):
166 cell = ws.cell(row=summ_tab_pos.next_row, column=summ_tab_pos.first_col + i)
167 cell.value = f"=SUM({summ_table_name}[{SUMMARY_COLUMNS[i].name}])"
168 cell.number_format = SUMMARY_COLUMNS[i].format
170 chart = BarChart()
171 data = Reference(
172 ws,
173 min_col=i + 1,
174 min_row=summ_tab_pos.header_row,
175 max_row=summ_tab_pos.next_row - 1,
176 )
177 cats = Reference(
178 ws,
179 min_col=summ_tab_pos.first_col,
180 min_row=summ_tab_pos.header_row + 1,
181 max_row=summ_tab_pos.next_row - 1,
182 )
183 chart.add_data(data, titles_from_data=True)
184 chart.set_categories(cats)
185 chart.legend = None
186 chart.y_axis.numFmt = FORMAT_NUMBER
187 chart.height = 7.5
188 chart.width = 8.5 # type: ignore[assignment]
189 start_col = MONTH_TABLES_COL + (i - 1) * (len(MONTH_COLUMNS) + 1)
190 anchor = f"{get_column_letter(start_col)}1"
191 ws.add_chart(chart, anchor)
194def _add_table(
195 ws: Worksheet,
196 table_name: str,
197 c_start: int,
198 r_start: int,
199 columns: List[ColumnSpecs],
201 # table title
202 table_title = ws.cell(row=r_start, column=c_start)
203 table_title.value = table_name
204 table_title.font = Font(bold=True)
205 table_title.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")
206 ws.merge_cells(
207 start_row=r_start,
208 start_column=c_start,
209 end_row=r_start,
210 end_column=c_start + len(columns) - 1,
211 )
213 # table header and formating
214 header_row = r_start + 1
215 transactions_row = r_start + 2
216 for i in range(len(columns)):
217 c = c_start + i
219 # header
220 ws.cell(row=header_row, column=c).value = columns[i].name
222 # column format
223 cell = ws.cell(row=transactions_row, column=c)
224 if columns[i].format:
225 cell.number_format = columns[i].format
227 # column width
228 ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(c)].width = columns[i].width
230 # create table
231 c_start_ltr = get_column_letter(c_start)
232 c_end_ltr = get_column_letter(c_start + len(columns) - 1)
233 ref = f"{c_start_ltr}{header_row}:{c_end_ltr}{transactions_row}"
234 logger.debug(f"creating table {table_name} with {ref=}")
235 tab = Table(displayName=table_name, ref=ref)
237 # add a default style with striped rows and banded columns
238 style = TableStyleInfo(
239 name="TableStyleMedium9",
240 showFirstColumn=False,
241 showLastColumn=False,
242 showRowStripes=True,
243 showColumnStripes=True,
244 )
245 tab.tableStyleInfo = style
247 ws.add_table(tab)
250def update_xlbudget(wb: Workbook, df: pd.DataFrame):
251 """Updates an xlbudget file.
253 Args:
254 wb (openpyxl.workbook.workbook.Workbook): The xlbudget workbook.
255 df (pd.DataFrame): The input file dataframe.
256 """
257 oldest_date, newest_date = df[df.columns[0]].agg(["min", "max"])
258 logger.debug(f"{oldest_date=}, {newest_date=}")
260 # create year sheets as needed
261 for year in range(oldest_date.year, newest_date.year + 1):
262 if str(year) not in wb.sheetnames:
263"Creating {year} sheet")
264 create_year_sheet(wb, year)
266 # initialize table positions dictionary
267 # maps worksheet names to dictionaries that map table names to their position.
268 table_pos: Dict[str, Dict[str, TablePosition]] = {}
269 for year in range(oldest_date.year, newest_date.year + 1):
270 sheet_name = str(year)
271 table_pos[sheet_name] = {}
273 start_month = oldest_date.month if year == oldest_date.year else 1
274 end_month = newest_date.month if year == newest_date.year else 12
275 for month in range(start_month, end_month + 1):
276 month_name = calendar.month_name[month]
277 table_name = _get_month_table_name(month=month_name, year=sheet_name)
278 logger.debug(f"Initializing table {table_name} in sheet {sheet_name}")
279 ref = wb[sheet_name].tables[table_name].ref
280 table_pos[sheet_name][table_name] = TablePosition(ref)
282 # update df with transactions in wb
283 logger.debug(f"{df.shape=} before checking existing transactions")
284 for sheet_name in table_pos.keys():
285 ws = wb[sheet_name]
287 for pos in table_pos[sheet_name].values():
288 is_populated = bool(ws.cell(row=pos.next_row, column=pos.first_col).value)
289 if is_populated:
290 for r in range(pos.next_row, pos.initial_last_row + 1):
291 transaction = []
292 for i in range(len(MONTH_COLUMNS)):
293 c = pos.first_col + i
294 transaction.append(ws.cell(row=r, column=c).value)
296 logger.debug(f"Appending {transaction=} to dataframe")
297 # ignore mypy error and implicitly cast to df.dtypes
298 df.loc[len(df) + 1] = transaction # type: ignore[call-overload]
299 df = df_drop_duplicates(df)
300 # re-sort transactions to make the oldest transactions come first
301 df = df.sort_values(by=list(df.columns), ascending=True)
302 logger.debug(f"{df.shape=} after checking existing transactions")
304 # write dataframe to wb
305 for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
306 logger.debug(f"Writing transaction {row} to workbook")
308 # get worksheet and table position
309 sheet_name, month_name = str(row.Date.year), calendar.month_name[row.Date.month]
310 table_name = _get_month_table_name(month=month_name, year=sheet_name)
311 ws, pos = wb[sheet_name], table_pos[sheet_name][table_name]
313 # set date cell
314 date_cell = ws.cell(row=pos.next_row, column=pos.first_col)
315 date_cell.value = row.Date
316 date_cell.number_format = MONTH_COLUMNS[0].format
318 # set description cell
319 ws.cell(row=pos.next_row, column=pos.first_col + 1).value = row.Description
321 # set amount cell
322 amount_cell = ws.cell(row=pos.next_row, column=pos.first_col + 2)
323 amount_cell.value = row.Amount
324 amount_cell.number_format = MONTH_COLUMNS[2].format
326 pos.next_row += 1
328 # update table refs
329 for sheet_name in table_pos.keys():
330 for table_name, pos in table_pos[sheet_name].items():
331 tab = wb[sheet_name].tables[table_name]
332 ref = pos.get_ref()
333 if ref != tab.ref:
334 logger.debug(
335 f"Updating ref of table {} from {tab.ref} to {ref}"
336 )
337 tab.ref = pos.get_ref()
340def df_drop_duplicates(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
341 """Checks for duplicate rows, dropping them in place if any.
343 Args:
344 df (pd.DataFrame): The original dataframe.
346 Returns:
347 A[n] `pd.DataFrame` without any duplicate rows.
348 """
349 duplicated = df.duplicated()
350 duplicates = df[duplicated]
351 if not duplicates.empty:
352 logger.warning(f"Dropping duplicate transactions:\n{duplicates}")
353 return df[~duplicated]
354 return df
357def df_drop_ignores(df: pd.DataFrame, ignore: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
358 """Checks for rows containing `ignore`, dropping them in place if any.
360 Args:
361 df (pd.DataFrame): The original dataframe.
362 ignore (str): The regex pattern that is in descriptions to ignore.
364 Returns:
365 A[n] `pd.DataFrame` without any rows containing `ignore`.
366 """
367 ignored = df["Description"].str.contains(ignore)
368 ignores = df[ignored]
369 if not ignores.empty:
370 logger.warning(f"Dropping ignored transactions:\n{ignores}")
371 return df[~ignored].reset_index(drop=True)
372 return df
375def df_drop_na(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
376 """Checks for rows that contain only `na` values, dropping them in place if any.
378 Args:
379 df (pd.DataFrame): The original dataframe.
381 Returns:
382 A[n] `pd.DataFrame` without any rows that are entirely `na`.
383 """
384 na = df.isna().all(axis=1)
385 nas = df[na]
386 if not nas.empty:
387"Dropping rows that contain only `na` values:\n{nas}")
388 return df[~na].reset_index(drop=True)
389 return df
392def _get_month_table_name(month: str, year: str):
393 return f"_{month}{year}"
396def _get_summary_table_name(year: str):
397 return f"_Summary{year}"