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A sample Python project

Test Coverage


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A sample project that exists as an aid to the Python Packaging User Guide's Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects.

This project does not aim to cover best practices for Python project development as a whole. For example, it does not provide guidance or tool recommendations for version control, documentation, or testing.

The source for this project is available here.

The metadata for a Python project is defined in the pyproject.toml file, an example of which is included in this project. You should edit this file accordingly to adapt this sample project to your needs.

This is the README file for the project.

The file should use UTF-8 encoding and can be written using reStructuredText or markdown with the appropriate key set. It will be used to generate the project webpage on PyPI and will be displayed as the project homepage on common code-hosting services, and should be written for that purpose.

Typical contents for this file would include an overview of the project, basic usage examples, etc. Generally, including the project changelog in here is not a good idea, although a simple “What's New” section for the most recent version may be appropriate.

Using this Template Repository

This fork of pypa/sampleproject adds pinned dependency management, a documentation site, VS Code integration, improved GitHub integration, and much more.

After creating a repository using this template, some files need to be updated to make it your own:

Update Repository and Package Names

  1. Find and replace patrick-5546/sampleproject with the owner and name of your repository
  2. Rename the directory src/sample/ to the name of your package
  3. Find and replace sample with the name of your package

Update README Badges

  1. In, update testbadge, testfile, licensebadge, and licenseurl with the repository owner and name where applicable
  2. Create an empty gist named covbadge.json and copy its ID
  3. In, update covbadge with the repository owner and gist ID where applicable
  4. In .github/workflows/tests.yml, update the "Make badge" step of "Coverage" with the repository owner, repository name, and gist ID where applicable
  5. Create a GitHub personal access token with the "gist" scope and copy its value
  6. Create a repository secret named GIST_TOKEN and paste the token

Update Infrastructure

  1. In .github/CODEOWNERS, update code owners accordingly

Setup Docs

Some manual setup is required to publish the Docs using GitHub pages:

  1. Setup the main version of the Docs
  2. Create and use the dev development environment, running the commands below in it
  3. Switch to the main branch if you are not already in it: git switch main
  4. Create the main version and alias it to latest: mike deploy --update-aliases main latest
  5. Make latest the default version: mike set-default latest
  6. Push the gh-pages branch: git switch gh-pages then git push
  7. In the repository settings for Pages, set the branch to gh-pages

For more details about versioning, search for "versioning" in the Docs.



  1. update the title and
  2. delete everything after the badge URLs