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Unix CLI

Shell: Zsh

Zsh is a shell for Unix.

Configuration file: .zshrc.


Syntax Highlighting

Zsh-syntax-highlighting brings syntax highlighting to Zsh. Known commands and aliases are green, unknown are red.

Vi Mode

I use vi mode to bring vim keybindings to Zsh. To improve the experience, I also added vim keybindings to the tab complete menu, changed the cursor shape for different modes, and mapped jk to exit insert mode.


grm is a basic package manager for GitHub releases. I use a fork of it in my installation script because it is lightweight, fast, doesn't require sudo permissions, and works on both MacOS and Linux.

Installation script:


Atuin enhances shell history, saving additional information such as execution time and exit code. It can even synchronize history between machines! I mainly use it to interactively search through my command history, replacing Ctrl+R.

Configuration files:


Bat is an alternative to cat with syntax highlighting and Git integration.


Bpytop is a detailed and aesthetic CLI resource monitor.

Configuration file: .config/bpytop/bpytop.conf.


Dust is an alternative to du that is more intuitive, visualizing disk usage.