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/ Linux/MacOS Commands has some amazing guides for common Linux/MacOS commands and tasks. If their site does not have cover the desired content, man <command> to view the full documentation of a command.

Linuxize Basic Linux Commands

  • Covers man, pwd, cd, ls, cat, touch, mkdir, ln, rm, cp, mv, apt, dnf, chmod, chown, sudo, useradd, passwd, userdel, groupadd, groupdel, and usermod


Aliases are custom commands that map to a longer command.

Command Description
alias <alias>="<command>" Create an alias
which <alias/command> Locate an alias/command
alias View the mappings of all aliases

My shell aliases can be found in aliases.zsh.



Estimates disk usage of the given files or directories.

Command Description
du -ha <file/directory> Get size of each file within the directory recursively
du -h --max-depth=1 <directory> Get size of directories up to the first level
du -hs Get only the size of the current working directory



Recursively searches for files and directories.

Command Description
find -type f -iname <filename> Search for files by name, ignoring case
find -type f -name '*.<file_extension>' Search for files by extension



Read contents of a file or command output quickly and without filling up terminal.

Command Description
less <filename> Read the contents of a file

| <command> | less | Read the standard output (what would be printed to the terminal) of <command> |

Commands inside less
Command Description
h Display help
q Exit
g Go to first line of file
#g Go to line #
G Go to last line of file
j/k Move forward and backward by line
f/b Move forward and backward by window
-N Toggle line numbers
-S Toggle chopping long lines
/<string> Search for <string>
n/N Navigate between search matches



I use screen to perform long-running tasks on a remote machine. It enables me to connect and disconnect from the machine (i.e. via SSH) without exiting the command.

Command Description
screen -S <session_name> Start a named screen session
screen -d Detach from current screen
Ctrl+Alt then D Detach from current screen when a command is running
screen -ls List running screens and their session IDs
screen -r <session_id> Reattach to screen
screen -d -r <session_id> Reattach to screen from inside another screen
exit Terminate current screen
screen in WSL

Error Message

$ screen
Cannot make directory '/run/screen': Permission denied

To Fix

  1. Create an alternate screen directory with the appropriate permissions
    mkdir ~/.screen && chmod 700 ~/.screen
  2. Point the SCREENDIR environment variable to that directory
    .bashrc file or equivalent
    export SCREENDIR=$HOME/.screen


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